The Purpose of Seed

May 1, 2011 § 1 Comment

I’ve been helping teachers at a local elementary school design and maintain a school food garden. I am a landscape architect by trade (a stay-at-home-mom by choice) and have a great interest in using landscapes as classrooms. I started Seed not only to document my ideas and the process of designing, setting up, and using a new vegetable or fruit garden, but also to plant “seeds”.  In a figurative sense, seeds are ideas that start small and take root in the mind or soul, flourishing into something meaningful and inspirational.    Thus my posts on Seed will on a broad range of topics – food and recipes, gardening, landscape design, and education to name a few.

Gardens are extremely important for learning and discovery at every age. Not just for math or science, gardens can be used as a way to develop character and learn responsibility.   These posts are meant to share the information I’ve learned while starting the school garden.  The information contained within is helpful whether you’re contemplating a garden at home, in your neighborhood, or at your neighborhood school.

Please note that these posts are my ideas based on experiences in the garden, professional practice and a conglomeration of school courses and reading. This blog is not meant to provide professional advise, but to log ideas, triumphs and failures in designing, planning, and using learning gardens.

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